Hush! Make not the rude sounds, let not the winds be stirred. Let not the nights be awakened, for the ghosts shall rest tonight. Let not the wanderer be seen, for he hides the secrets you abhor. Let not your foot cross the sanctity of my soul, for the beasts may haunt you forever. Takr not my resilience for my weakness, for my facade is my fallacy
Monday, August 15, 2016
Heaven? Or Hell?
The church mandates the truth and truth is the way. A nun is the vessel of the church and truth be her potentate. Yet, who defines truth? Is the nun's inner calling greater than the words scribed on her mind? Is the way of the church the supreme infallible truth, or is the empathetic route the way? Is the way of righteousness heaven? Or Hell?
Musings Of A Wallflower
I see you. I see you laughing with profound innocence, your eyes blazing with the angelic fire that burns within. I see your jaunty step reflect the vivid colours of your ornate mind. I see you embrace the psyche of the world, and blend into its technicolour. You are an enigma, a quandary, and a fireside chat with you would teach me much more than a thousand books
When The Wolf Howls
The obstinate man was over the wall again. His audacious behaviour warrants strict corrective actions. We broke his body, but his soul is unscathed. The sound of his breath, the smile on his face haunt me now. Somewhere, somehow, I know his light is growing. And his glow shall banish the darkness we all hide within
Monday, August 1, 2016
Flow of the Waterfall
The man raised his arms to the sky. His arms glowed bright with the resolution of his mind.His trembling hands gripped the frail frame of his tool but the beast within him growled in anticipation. Suddenly, his weakness became his strength, and the sands of time changed their course.